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2 minutes

How to Clear Cache in Arch Linux: A Comprehensive Guide

Managing system performance is crucial for any Linux user, especially on Arch Linux, where you have full control over your system’s configurations. One of the most common ways to maintain optimal performance is by clearing cached data. This guide will show you step-by-step how to safely clear different types of cache in Arch Linux.

Why Clear Cache?#

Caches are temporary files stored by your system to speed up processes. Over time, these files can accumulate, consuming disk space and potentially causing system slowdowns. Clearing your cache can:

  1. Free up disk space.
  2. Resolve performance issues.
  3. Remove outdated or corrupted cache files.

Types of Cache in Arch Linux#

  1. Package Cache: Stored by the package manager (Pacman) to keep a copy of downloaded packages.
  2. Systemd Journal Cache: Logs and metadata managed by systemd.
  3. Memory Cache: Temporary files stored in RAM for faster access.

Step-by-Step Guide to Clearing Cache#

1. Clearing Pacman Package Cache#

Pacman stores downloaded packages in /var/cache/pacman/pkg/. To clear this cache:

  • Remove Unused Packages:
sudo pacman -Sc

This removes old packages but keeps the latest version for reinstallation.

  • Remove All Cached Packages:
sudo pacman -Scc

This deletes all cached packages. Use with caution.

2. Clearing Systemd Journal Logs#

System logs can grow over time. To limit or clear them:

  • Reduce Log Size:
sudo journalctl --vacuum-size=100M

This keeps logs under 100 MB.

  • Remove Old Logs:
sudo journalctl --vacuum-time=2weeks

This deletes logs older than two weeks.

3. Clearing Memory Cache#

Linux automatically manages memory cache, but you can clear it manually if needed:

  • Drop Caches:
sudo sync && echo 3 | sudo tee /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches

This clears pagecache, dentries, and inodes.

Best Practices#

  • Regularly monitor disk usage using df -h or du.
  • Use paccache from pacman-contrib to automate package cache cleanup:
sudo paccache -r

This retains the three most recent package versions.

  • Avoid excessive clearing of memory cache unless absolutely necessary, as Linux efficiently handles memory management.


  1. Will clearing cache improve system performance?
    Clearing cache can free up disk space and resolve specific performance issues, but excessive clearing may lead to slower application startup times as caches need to be rebuilt.

  2. Is it safe to clear all Pacman package caches?
    Yes, but keep in mind that clearing all cached packages will prevent you from reinstalling them offline. It’s advisable to retain the most recent package versions.

  3. Can clearing memory cache harm my system?
    Clearing memory cache is generally safe, but it’s unnecessary unless you’re troubleshooting or testing, as Linux manages memory cache efficiently on its own.

How to Clear Cache in Arch Linux: A Comprehensive Guide
Neta Lynx
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