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2 minutes

Basic Linux Command Line: A Beginner's Guide

Linux is a powerful operating system widely used for servers, development environments, and personal computing. To fully harness its potential, mastering the command line is crucial. Here’s a beginner-friendly guide to help you navigate the basic Linux commands.

Why Learn Linux Command Line?
The Linux command line gives you direct control over the system, enabling you to perform tasks more efficiently and automate processes. It’s a skill that boosts productivity and is highly valued in the tech industry.

Essential Linux Commands for Beginners#

1. Navigating Directories#

  • pwd: Displays the current directory path.
  • ls: Lists files and directories in the current directory.
  • ls -a: Includes hidden files in the listing.
    ls -a
  • cd: Changes the directory.
    cd /path/to/directory
  • cd ..: Moves up one directory level.
    cd ..

2. File Management#

  • touch: Creates a new empty file.
    touch filename.txt
  • mkdir: Creates a new directory.
    mkdir directory_name
  • mkdir -p: Creates nested directories.
    mkdir -p parent/child
  • cp: Copies files or directories.
    cp source.txt destination.txt
  • mv: Moves or renames files or directories.
    mv oldname.txt newname.txt
  • rm: Deletes files.
    rm filename.txt
  • rm -r: Deletes directories and their contents recursively.
    rm -r directory_name

3. Viewing File Content#

  • cat: Displays file contents.
    cat filename.txt
  • more: Views file content one screen at a time.
    more filename.txt
  • less: Similar to more, but with additional navigation capabilities.
    less filename.txt
  • head: Displays the first 10 lines of a file.
    head filename.txt
  • tail: Displays the last 10 lines of a file.
    tail filename.txt
  • tail -f: Monitors a file for new lines as they are added.
    tail -f logfile.txt

4. System Information#

  • whoami: Shows the current logged-in user.
  • uname -a: Displays detailed system information.
    uname -a
  • df -h: Shows disk space usage in human-readable format.
    df -h
  • free -h: Displays memory usage.
    free -h
  • uptime: Shows system uptime and load averages.
  • date: Displays or sets the system date and time.

5. Process Management#

  • ps: Lists running processes.
  • ps aux: Displays detailed information about all running processes.
    ps aux
  • top: Monitors system resources and processes in real-time.
  • htop: An interactive process viewer (requires installation).
  • kill: Terminates a process by its ID.
    kill PID
  • killall: Terminates all processes by name.
    killall process_name

6. Permissions and Ownership#

  • chmod: Changes file or directory permissions.
    chmod 755 filename
  • chown: Changes file or directory ownership.
    chown user:group filename
  • ls -l: Lists files with detailed information, including permissions.
    ls -l

7. Networking Commands#

  • ping: Checks the connection to a host.
    ping google.com
  • curl: Fetches content from a URL.
    curl http://example.com
  • wget: Downloads files from a URL.
    wget http://example.com/file.zip
  • ifconfig: Displays network interface configuration (deprecated, use ip command).
  • ip addr: Displays IP address information.
    ip addr


  1. What is the Linux command line used for?
    The Linux command line is used to interact with the operating system, perform tasks, and execute programs efficiently without a graphical interface.

  2. How can I access the Linux command line?
    You can access the Linux command line through a terminal application, typically available by default in Linux distributions.

  3. Are Linux commands case-sensitive?
    Yes, Linux commands are case-sensitive. For example, ls and LS are treated as different commands.

Start mastering these commands today, and you’ll unlock a whole new level of productivity and control over your Linux system.

Basic Linux Command Line: A Beginner's Guide
Neta Lynx
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